Tuesday 24 September 2013

How does one write a poem

How does one write a poem
I'm afraid I know not
I just put down my feelings
With words that rhyme a lot
I try to find a word
For example take man
An ban can dan...
Till I finally reach plan

Will it fit in
It normally always does
Why is that so
I guess just because
That's how simple
Life should always be
And when a poem touches you
Do know it touches me

So write yourself a poem
If that's what this is
Tell us about your life
Tell us all the biz
What's going on
Are you weak or are you strong
Keep it short unlike me
Don't go on very long

Perhaps it's just creative writing
Poems I rarely read
Many I don't understand
I cannot them really heed
I think I'll do a course
And learn properly
And later write a proper poem
Well I guess we'll wait and see

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